More than 90 training and educational events for public officials and anti-corruption commissioners, a large-scale update of the Study.nazk platform, the launch of four new online courses, doubling the number of Integrity Hubs in schools and the growth of the friendly schools community, scaling up the Transparent Universities project, and a number of other events for educators, pupils and students are the key results of the Department of Education and Training Programs in 2024 (NACP Integrity Office).
"2024 was a year of significant achievements and new challenges for the Office. We attracted more than 216 thousand users to the Study.Nazk platform, developed innovative educational formats for different audiences: public servants, anti-corruption commissioners, educators and youth, and as a result, the number of participants in educational events increased. This demonstrates the high demand of the society for knowledge that contributes to the formation of a culture of integrity. At the same time, we see prospects for further development, in particular, the development of an up-to-date strategy for educational work and the introduction of clear metrics to assess the effectiveness of our activities. We plan to raise awareness of anti-corruption issues even more actively, focusing on the needs of each target group and developing partnerships. Together, we are striving to establish a culture of integrity in Ukrainian society,” said Iryna Tymchenko, Head of the Department of Educational Outreach and Training Programs.
Training of civil servants and professional development of anti-corruption commissioners
More than 90 educational and awareness-raising events (lectures, seminars, trainings, webinars, and radio broadcasts) were held for civil servants and anti-corruption commissioners. In particular, the webinar “Electronic Declaration as a Guarantee of Financial Integrity: Evolution, Simplification and Automation”, explanatory webinars on the basics of electronic declaration for new categories of declarants - members of the Medical Advisory Commission, the Military Medical Commission and the Medical and Social Expert Commission - were viewed by more than 40 thousand people on Youtube.
Throughout the month, the anti-corruption commissioners improved their skills by performing real-life tasks to identify corruption risks and determine remedial measures during the “Marathon of Practical Skills of the Anti-Corruption Commissioner: Corruption Risk Management".
The best anti-corruption practices were recognized at the International Anti-Corruption Day Forum. We also held the annual Community Integrity Forum, which brought together more than 100 representatives of local governments.
Large-scale update of the training platform
In 2024, the number of users of the Study.nazk platform ( doubled to more than 216 thousand users (101 thousand users in 2023). More than 285 thousand registrations were made for courses.
Users received more than 244 thousand certificates, which is 85% of the number of course registrations for this year. For comparison, in 2023, there were 91 thousand certificates issued in a year, which was 79% of the number of registrations.
In addition, the technical capabilities of the platform have been updated: there is a simple search and filtering of courses; adaptive design for easy use on different devices; updated section with instructions and answers to the most popular requests from users; separate sections for educators, public servants and anti-corruption commissioners.
In 2024, four new online courses were developed:
- “Newcomer to Public Service” course
- course “How the state interacts: study, communicate, change”
- course “Know who your counterparty is”
- course for teachers of the discipline “Anti-Corruption and Integrity”.
In addition, the Guide for Integrity of Healthcare Professionals was created (in cooperation with the NHSU Academy) - a series of videos posted on the Academy's platform.
In addition, three courses that were created in 2023 have been updated. This year, the emphasis was placed on updating the existing courses, which allowed to use resources more efficiently and maintain interest in all courses on the platform.
The top 5 courses that are most popular among users:
- course“Understanding Conflicts of Interest” - 102 thousand registrations, 90 thousand certificates received.
- course “Integrity Police” - 62 thousand registrations, 52 thousand certificates.
- “Declare” course - 47 thousand registrations, 41 thousand certificates
- course “Integrity in Civil Service” - 47 thousand registrations, 40 thousand certificates.
- course "How the state interacts: study, communicate, change ” - 27 thousand registrations, 25 thousand certificates.
Cooperation with general secondary education institutions
Over the past year, the Community of Friendly Schools has grown significantly and now includes 754 educational institutions, which is almost 16 thousand teachers and 188,435 students (at the end of 2023, there were only 480 schools). There are 18 Integrity Hubs in Ukraine, which is 50% more than in 2023. For the first time, training was conducted for managers of Integrity Hubs to conduct regional trainings for managers of general secondary education institutions.
For the fourth time, the all-Ukrainian initiative, the Integrity Week, timed to December 9, was successfully implemented. Specially for the All-Ukrainian Integrity Lesson, Methodological Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the Integrity Week 2024 in general secondary education institutions were prepared. Also in 2024, a new initiative was introduced - the publication of a collection and celebration of the best teaching practices.
During the year, new and improved educational and methodological materials for educators were developed. In particular, the manual “Anti-Corruption Course for 9th Grade” received the stamp “Approved for Use in the Educational Process”.
Educators received a tool for cross-cutting teaching of the topic of integrity - the PROVirtue manual, which contains materials for cross-cutting teaching in all educational areas for students in grades 5-11.
The Educational Navigator manual, which provides guidance for heads of general secondary education institutions on how to operate a school on the basis of transparency, openness and integrity, has also been updated.
Cooperation with higher education institutions
In the 2024-2025 academic year, 69 universities joined the Transparent Universities project, which is 87% more than in 2023 (there were 10 at the end of 2023). Currently, more than 5,200 students are studying the discipline of Anti-Corruption and Integrity.
An online course for teachers of the discipline “Anti-Corruption and Integrity ‘ and Recommendations on Transparency and Integrity in Higher Education Institutions have also been developed (this project is part of the national initiative “Open Government Partnership”).
A community of friendly universities has been formed, which includes 79 higher education institutions (HEIs) and accounts for 56% of the total number of HEIs in Ukraine subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science.
According to Iryna Tymchenko, in 2025, the Office's team plans to cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Science and educational institutions of all levels. A special emphasis is placed on launching the Transparent VET project, expanding the Transparent School and Transparent Universities initiatives. The NACP Integrity Office also plans to expand partnerships with educational providers, continue cooperation with the Higher School of Public Administration, the National School of Judges, conduct trainings and develop online courses for the professional development of anti-corruption commissioners, as well as develop an Awareness Strategy and a strategy for training public servants on anti-corruption issues.